This conversation actually occurred last thursday. I am sadly not making this up. I really really wish I was. I was the customer:
Customer: Can you give me $5.00 on pump number one? That should maybe get me a gallon or so of gas and get me home.
Clerk: F^(#!n Bush.
Customer: You think if he hadn't started that War in Iraq, gas prices might not be so high?
Clerk: Well, he started it to get the guy who blew up the twin towers. We had to go after somebody... they put a big hole in the pentagon!!
Customer: Really? I thought most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and none of them were from Iraq. In fact I'm pretty sure of that, and the guy who started the whole thing was from Afghanistan?
Clerk: Well, that's who we went to war with, them Saudis. But the war needs to end now, they caught the guy!
Customer: They did? The guy who blew up the twin towers?
Clerk: Yup, his name's Saddam Hussein! They caught him and are holding him in a high security prison in D.C.
Customer: In D.C.? I thought they were holding him in Iraq? In fact I'm pretty sure....
Clerk: Nope! They put a billion dollar reward on his head and that's how they caught him.
Customer: I thought it was a lot less. Like, 200 thousand maybe...
Clerk: A billion dollars, I'm pretty sure. I hope he rots in that D.C. prison forever.
Customer: You know he's on trial, right?
Clerk: Thats what I heard, they are trying him right there in D.C. for blowing up the towers.
Customer: Oh... I thought he had done a bunch of other really bad things. But not that.
Clerk: Nope...That's what they got him for. You sure don't seem to know much about what's going on for being an American!
Customer: (just wanting out of the conversation at this point) Wow... thanks for all the info, this is stuff I didn't know, apparently.